Friday, August 09, 2013


It's Friday, y'all!

Sooooo... yesterday was another day of learning about Herbalife® and the MANY tools available to us Herbalifers :) Thursday (around 3am), I registered on iChange. For those of you who have NEVER heard of it, the following information can be found on the About iChange page (

iChange is built on the idea that, "it's easy to know what to do, but it's difficult to do it." Most diets and weight loss programs fall apart because they are self-directed. You know the rules you are supposed to follow, but you find that after a few days or weeks, it becomes impossible to stick to them. That's where iChange does things differently.
We are funny creatures. Most of us find it a lot easier to disappoint ourselves rather than a friend, family member or someone whose job it is to watch out for us. Without these important people in our lives, few of us would ever be able to tackle a major life change. The power of personal accountability is the primary reason that so many addiction recovery and personal change programs rely on counselors and strong support groups. With these people in our lives, difficult goals become achievable and the process becomes much more rewarding, fulfilling and fun. 
If you've ever been part of a social network like Facebook, you'll notice the iChange experience to be similar, with a focus on helping you succeed in your weight and nutrition goals. However, iChange is more than just a simple social network. It is a place where you can find support and guidance to help keep you accountable.
You can find accountability on iChange without the hassle of having to go to a clinic, a gym, or a support group. The entire experience can be conducted online or through a handheld device. Feel like your cravings are starting to kick in? Let your wellness coach or support group know, and get a recommendation on how to quell them. Don't know what to order at the Mexican restaurant where you're meeting friends for lunch? Get a quick recommendation to keep you on track. You don't understand why you seem to be following the program but your weight loss has stalled? Let your wellness coach rework your program to break through the barrier.
iChange is free to join and explore. Give it a try and start to connect with others who will help you reach your weight and nutrition goals. 

I have now completed my basic training as a coach and tomorrow should become a Qualified iChange Coach!! The big thing that sets iChange apart from other communities is that it is directly connected with Herbalife®. All Qualified iChange Coaches are Herbalife® Independent Distributors! It is IDEAL for tracking your nutrition/exercise/mood, and coaches are able to have clients sign up under their programs. Coaches are then able to monitor their clients' progress. It deepens the relationship between coach and client. I am already addicted!! Qualification can't come fast enough!! I'm ready to start adding clients!!

The welcome that I've received from the community is so incredibly warm and supportive. People are extremely helpful and more than willing to share tips, recipes, and motivate one another! It's a blessing to be a part of something so nurturing. iChange makes me love Herbalife® THAT much more! Possibilities are endless, and I feel as though I truly can accomplish anything. For the first time in quite a long time, I feel in control of my life (second only to God).

Now, it's time for me to create my first journal entries on iChange. I want to cover some "basic" nutrition information. It will be a three-parter entitled: Body Needs. I will link them once they are created :)

Have an amazing Friday, and a safe & healthy weekend!!


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