Monday, August 12, 2013

Is preventative care becoming a thing of the past?

Good evening (In my Alfred Hitchcock voice)...

Sooooooo, as exciting as Herbalife® is, sometimes it is met with resistance. I recently spoke with two friends of mine. One of which is attempting to eat healthier, and the other has, for several years, suffered from frequent headaches and tummy troubles. In my quest to help people live their healthiest (and therefore best) lives, I attempted to recommend Herbalife® products to help both of them. I was surprised to encounter their unwillingness to even try the products, or even hear the entirety of what I had to say. The friend who is trying to eat better is not interested in becoming my customer, and the friend with the head/tummy troubles doesn't even want to hear it. They say that they have always been this way and will not change.

Their responses confused me, and made me sad. Nature has provided us with gifts that heal the human body, and Herbalife is scientifically formulated to maximize those natural gifts. What's better than a natural solution? Why be so unreceptive?

Another friend of mine informed me that to be unhealthy is a choice and that I must respect those choices, even if they may be detrimental to one's health. That's easier said than done for me. I have seen, firsthand, the effects that poor nutrition can have one people. These friends are younger than I, and I'm trying to save them years of doing unnecessary damage to themselves. It's a sad reality that there are many people that wait until it's do or die before they make a change, if they even make one at all.

Whatever happened to preventative care?

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